Friday, April 26, 2013

Dyeing Eggs

We waited til the last minute and dyed eggs on Easter Eve...

Wrap me up

A few weekends ago, our sweet ex-neighbors Jenny and Chuckie stopped by to meet Lydia.  Jenny knit a gorgeous blanket for her that we love (and we're sure she will too!)...  Thanks guys!  They even got Lucas a Star Wars lego set that he spent hours diligently working on, and Lottie a doll.

Dance Party

Last week, Kirsten celebrated her birthday with a party at her dance studio.  It was tons of fun!  Charlotte was WAY into it, and we may sign her up for classes this summer.  Lucas was okay with the stretches at the beginning.  Then sat out during the "girly" spins and leaps part... but was happy to join back in for games!  I realize there are a ton of pics here, but I was amazed at how focused Char was on it all...


This week, the majority of the family got haircuts... 

Charlotte got her first EVER haircut.  While we waited, she looked at the haircut books...  And asked for red hair.  Or red striped hair...  And she wanted a fancy Prom-type up-do.  Silly girl.  I kept telling her we were just getting a little trim.  She ended up getting 3 inches taken off...  Enough to get rid of her knotty,scraggly ends.  And she sat very still and did a great job listening!
Lucas got his mane trimmed/shaped up some too...
So did Tony :)
Mommy worked the camera, and Lydia was happy she doesn't need a haircut just yet...

First Lacrosse Game

In early April, Lucas' lax team (the Destroyers) had their first game.  He is #4 on the gray team.  This week was a little tricky, as the other team had off-white/cream uniforms, and they were hard to tell apart.  Grammie, Grampie, Mommom, and Pop all came to cheer Lucas on!  He's pretty easy to spot in pics, as he's one of the only ones with a black/yellow helmet.  It seriously hurt me to buy such a Steelers colored item...  And in the first 2 pics, he's playing with his good buddy Xavier.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Valentine's Day... way late...

Red/pink clothes and food to match!

Lottie on wheels...

Lottie can finally ride her bike with training wheels decently...