Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our "new" abode...

As many of you already know, we backed out of our contract on the other house... the short sale we signed a contract on in early September. What we like most about that house was the open floor plan, and how the whole back part of the house was one big room that ran the length of the house... One day we were sitting around and Tony thought, "hey, I'll bet we could knock out this chunk of wall to open up our living/dining room (play room)... The very next day, the wall came down. Over the next week, it was framed up, drywalled, spackled (with some help from Mike!), and painted... We love it and can't believe we didn't think of it sooner! Forgive the bad pics, but all the dust in the air really showed up in them...

After this was all done, I got really ambitious while home for a few snow days... And re-painted the living and dining rooms...

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