Friday, May 3, 2013

Monthly Comparisons...

There is an ongoing debate among many as to who Lydia looks more like... Lucas or Charlotte.  On her 3D ultrasound picture, we could only see the mouth/nose, and it looked just like Char.  When she was born though, she had Lucas' colored eyes.  Half the people swore she looked like Lucas, and the other half swore she looked just like her big sis.  I was leaning more towards Charlotte too, until I made a photo book of each of their first week after birth.  Then I decided maybe she really did look more like Lucas.  And I stuck with that for a while... But the more she fills out, I am starting to see more of Charlotte in her...  So, here are some pics.  Birth, one month, and two months...  You be the judge!

The order will be Lucas, Lydia, and Charlotte. 


 One month:
Two months:
3 month comparison coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. thanks mum! herpussy is beautiful i am going to come looking at her
