Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A week at Lake Anna

We spent last week at Lake Anna in Virginia. Good thing, the heat was brutal, so the water was the only place to be. We left Sunday morning and the drive down only took about 2.5 hours. Once there, it was too early to check into the house... so we got the boat in the water, did some grocery shopping, and met Grammie and Grampie for lunch.
Once we finally got in the house, it was almost dinner time. We unpacked, played in the yard, and ventured (swam) across the way to the community beach. Thus, you shall never see any good pics of us playing there... the camera doesn't come when I have to swim 50 feet to get there... After baths, we played more in the yard - golf and airplanes.
Monday morning, we headed out on the boat. Rode around a bit and found a nice little private island with a beach. We anchored the boat in shallow enough water that Lucas could walk from the boat to shore all by himself. Don't worry - we still watched him closely!After frolicking for a few hours, we headed to Lakeside for lunch. This would be the first of MANY times Lucas was so worn out he went to sleep. They'd re-done the restaurant since we were there last year. Misters everywhere and bar tables with swings for seats!
By the end of the day, Lucas looked like this... And it got worse and worse as the week wore on. We wore that poor kid out!
Tuesday morning we got up and went to the Grange to do a little disc-golfing. Lucas' old pal Cricket was there to follow us around.
After that, we headed back out on the boat. We started with lunch at Lakeside, then went back to the same island as yesterday... Might as well stick with what you know works ;P
Wednesday morning, we went to breakfast with Grammie & Grampie and then they hit the road back to NC. Before they left, we got a few group shots. Believe it or not, Lucas took most of them. I knew I'd raise a good photographer!
Next, we decided to take a break from the boat today for the kids' sake. We went to a huge shopping area and picked up a few things. On the long drive back to the "pacation house" (as Lucas calls it), they both nodded off for some much needed rest.
We played around the house a bit, and took an evening boat ride. We went north in the lake to see the cows that go swimming. Lucas loved them and insisted several times that Tony turn around so he could take "one more pic" of them!
Even got some ice cream on the way back...
On Thursday morning, Matt was at the house around 8 am. Plenty of hours in the day for boating! We suited up and headed out!!! Yup, same island again - we are that adventurous...
After we rode around and the kids got a power nap, we tried some water sports. We even got Lucas out on the raft - and it was much more successful than last year when I took him rafting and we ended up falling off!
Later that night, we made a campfire and smores... After I got Lottie to bed, I went for a run, showered, and took Lucas to the store for supplies. Then we roasted the marshmellows and made the smores. He took one look at them, said "they're too melty", and moved on to other things. Little punk! As with many vacation nights, we end the day with glow sticks.
Friday morning, the boys went disc golfing and we went boating in late morning. First we went to lunch and then anchored at a different (gasp!) island.
Watersports came next. Most pics look just like yesterday's...
Late Friday night, Matt's girlfriend Beth came down and brought tacos. Yum! We headed out for our last boating day Saturday morning and began with watersports...
That night, Matt pickes up some crabs, and was the last man standing at the crab table.
We packed up and left Sunday morning. The drive back took less than 2 hr 15 min - not bad at all! Boy we were beat - vacation with 2 little ones is tiring :) But we had a blast and can't wait to do it again!!! Thanks Grammie, Grampie, Matt, & Beth for spending time with us down there!

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