Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunny Saturday!

Weather dot com says it's 75 degrees out now, and it feels every bit of it - that sun is strong! We've been busy beavers today... The kiddos got up a bit later than usual (cause they went to bed a little later than normal), we had some breakfast, then picked up a few wheelbarrows of compost from a stranger that Tony found on Craigslist. Lucas was (as usual!) a "help-a-holic"... He HAS to help do everything. Push the wheelbarrow, use the shovel, you name it. And God forbid you don't want his help! Shrieks of "Lucas turn!" or "All by SELF" shall pierce your ears. We ran a few errands before coming home to spend a few hours in the backyard. Tony got some "Spring cleaning" in... staining the wood parts of the patio, putting compost dirt into the soon-to-be-garden (with more "help" from Lucas - he he), and waxing the boat. Lucas was happy running around, riding his tractor, pushing his lawnmower, weeding, and "helping" of course! Charlotte spent her time chilling in her bouncer in a tent, drifting between awake and asleep. Big surprise there! But she has definitely been spending more time awake - she's a big girl now - 1 month old yesterday!

Later in the evening we had some friends over for an impromptu BBQ. Lucas got to stay up hours past his bedtime cause it was so pleasant out and we were having so much fun around the fire pit. Tony and Lucas even spent the night in the tent :) Lucas was super excited about that!

This is Lucas "jellyfishing" like Spongebob - complete with "LaLaLa" singing sound effects!
Charlotte's in there...

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