Monday, March 1, 2010

11 months

So... I always have the best of intentions with these "month" posts. I start typing up some stuff about a week before the "month birthday" happens. This time, I even took the pic a day early! But somehow, the post always makes it's appearance abot 2 weeks late... Anywho:

Lottie is 11 months old already. Doesn't sound so bad until you say that in LESS THAN A MONTH(!!!) she will be 1!!!!!!!!!! How did this happen - time goes waaaaayyyyyy too fast.

Let's see - what has she been up to? Eating mostly. Seriously, the girl can eat. She's been eating more and more table foods and will eat just about anything you give her. More and more, she is refusing to let me feed her baby food with a spoon. I think she'd eat all day if you'd let her. She nursing only once per day now and having 3-4 other meals with a bottle before bed. She'll be completely weaned in the next few weeks cause she's staying with Mommom and Pop at the end of March. So, once I run out of formula and baby food, that's it - on to cow's milk and all people food. Now if I could just get her potty trained, I wouldn't spend any $ on her ;P

She goes to bed around 6:15 most nights, but must have those Kisling genes cause she's up on her own by 5:30 most mornings. Which means she gets to "help" me get ready for work by dumping out my make-up over and over again, crying on the floor to be picked up, etc...

She loves to play with Lucas and his toys. Lately, she has shown an interest in the play kitchen and food, but for the most part whatever Lucas has is what she wants... books, cars, blocks, etc. Oh, and she looooovvveeesss to roughhouse :)

She's still not walking (which I know is completely normal; I'm just used to Lucas walking full time at 10 months). She can crawl with the best of them and pull up/cruise onthings though... She is still more high-maintenance than Lucas was, and very vocal. Maybe cause she has to compete for attention???

It was pretty difficult to get her to sit still for these pics and not try to rip up/eat the sign! If you look closely, you'll see Lucas had to help hold the sign...

I'm having tons of fun dressing her like a little girl too :)

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