Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Finger update

We're glad to report that Lucas couldn't be doing any better with his injured digit! Since it happened, he hasn't complained once that it hurt or bothered him in any way. The only thing he cried about was when I had to remove the splint/bandage, clean it, and re-wrap it. And even then, he said it didn't hurt, but he was scared :(

Yesterday I took him to a hand orthopedic specialist - just to be on the safe side. I knew he had pulled a stitch somehow and was praying they wouldn't have to numb it and replace it. He took the bandage/splint right off - no whining from Lucas - and said it looked GREAT! And no need to re-do that stitch :) Said the skin was still pink and alive and he couldn't imagine it looking any better considering what had happened/how long ago. Then, he made Lucas do some "finger tests" that almost made me wanna puke. First, and not bad at all, Lucas looked away while they poked different parts of his finger with various items, to test his sense of feeling. Then they made him take the injured/stitched fingertip and press down really hard on the doctor's finger. And then take the fingernail that had been cut in half and press up on the doc's finger. Yup, all without a peep or grimace from Lucas. He said it was fun. - sicko! I told him I never wanna hear him whine again when I change the bandage! Then he had to use the fingertip to press down on some buttons.

I take him next Monday to a hand surgeon just as one last "to be on the safe side" measure. The doc from today will meet us there too. They are sure he will regain all feeling/movement in the finger, but want to surgeon to look at the nailbed ??? Who knows, but I'll keep you posted. They will most likely remove stitches Monday too. And I was complimented on my bandaging abilities! Maybe I'll quit teaching and become a nurse...

And let me tell you, the boy LOVES his medicine. I know parents who have to sit on their kids and cram it down their throats... not this kid. He begs for it. Refuses to let me help, and has to hold it all by himself... he was taking 3 kinds... tylenol and motrin (even though he said it didn't hurt, I wanted to keep those in him til after we saw the doc and were sure they wouldn't have to re-stitch)... he fed himself those from the little cup and dropper. His favorite are the antibiotics that he's on for 10 days. It's expensed in a syringe. I fill it up and he grabs it and happily shoots it down his throat. Over the past few days, I've even caught myself saying "If you don't finish your lunch, you're not getting any medicine". Works every time!

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