Friday, December 10, 2010

Gobble, gobble

For Thanksgiving, we once again headed to the naval base in Sugar Grove, West Virginia. We left Wednesday right after work. Other than Charlotte screaming "MomMY" at the top of her lungs for the first 2 hours, the 4 hour drive was pretty uneventful. We got there around 7 and unpacked while the kids played with the grandparents/cousins. Instead of the 2 bedroom cabin we had last year, we had a 3 bedroom trailer right next to the one that Tre, Pat and 4 kids were sharing with Grammie and Grampie. It worked out quite well...

Thanksgiving morning, we ate at the mess hall for breakfast and then played outside a bit between trailers before hitting up the playground...
Then we had a snack and headed down to the track. We didn't bring bikes, but Keira and Lucas shared her pink one very nicely!
After that it was naptime and then FOOD time... During naps, I took a nice run... Before dinner, there was more playing and coloring of place mats for the kids' table...
After feasting, we took a walk back to the playground until it was just too cold/dark to stay out any longer!
Next, it was dessert and bath time...
The 3 older cousins had a sleepover! Lucas woke up 3 times crying and asking if he could go back to his own bed and have Max and Keira go back home... Funny!
But, we all survived the night. Headed to the indoor gym in the morning...
Lottie was really cranky there, and by the time we got back to the cabin, she was running a 102 fever... Boo! Poor girl has been sick so much this fall already...
While the kids napped, I went for another run... and Tony came with me for the first time in years!!! After naps, there was a dance party, followed by present opening.
Tony made us a nice fire once it got dark...
Saturday morning, we ate at the mess hall again... It was SUPER cold and windy. Grammie and Grampie were leaving at lunchtime, so we made sure to get a shot of them with all the kids...
Then we piled into cars and headed back over the mountain for lunch and a super awesome playground... Well, super awesome on a nice day, but not that day. It was sooooo cold. Charlotte was shaking cold and stayed wrapped up in my arms in coats and blankets. She still wasn't feeling well, and eventually fell asleep in the swing.
Once we got back, there was a glow stick dance party, followed by pjs and a Christmas movie.
Sunday morning we were up, packed, and on the road by 8. Only took 3 hours and 10 minutes to get back! Yippee!!! It was great to see everyone and especially to see all the cousins play together...

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