Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Day

Better late than never, right? Here is the recap of our Christmas Day:

Kids slept until almost 7. Here's a view of the tree/gifts before the mayhem began...
Lucas was oh-so-excited about the racecar track that Santa left for him!
Random shots of gift opening:
The kids opening their fleece blankets I made them. Lucas' has all the cars from the movie CARS, and Lottie's has dogs.
After everything was opened:
Around noon, we went to my parents' house. It snowed all the way there, but that was pretty much it. Nevertheless, I took the obligatory "white Christmas" pics for the kids!
The tree there:
Santa left that awesome double easel (it's magnetic, a whiteboard, and a chalkboard), and this adorable CARS table (also a dry-erase writing surface) with chairs... The kids LOVED them!
Charlotte testing out her new princess snow boots...
Lucas wearing his new CARS slippers... and a psychotic expression...
Gigi got him some CARS pjs (do you notice a recurring theme for all his gifts???). He immediately put them on and stayed in the for the rest of the day!
Uncle Matt enjoying his new grill and blanket:
When we got home, we opened stockings and then played in the tent/tunnel that Mike and Brenda gave the kids. They thought it was the best!
Thanks everybody for making our day special :)

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