Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Era of Biking

So, Lucas has always LOVED riding his bike...  In April, we started taking him to a local BMX track up the road, which he also loved.  We've gone to watch the "big kids" and "real riders" on their practice nights.  We even took Lucas one Wednesday night to do the "race practice", as he calls it.  He had to wear long pants/sleeves and a full frontal helmet/facemask that the track group let us borrow.  He did great, especially since his bike weighs 2x what everyone else's weighs.  He didn't fall, wasn't shy, and just wanted to ride and ride.  It was soooo funny seeing him out there with teenagers and middle aged men!  Here was his first night on the track with other people:
Many mornings this summer (before the heat became too unbearable), I took him up for an hour of practice.  Most times, he had the track to himself, and Lottie was more than happy picking flowers, dancing, or putting trash in its proper place....  or whatever it is she's doing in the pic below...
But, just yesterday, Lucas' racing career took a different turn.  We knew he could never really compete if he wanted to with his current red bike (it's just too heavy and slow).  And, he seems to really enjoy it and want to get into it more... So, Tony spent weeks scouring deals and finally got him a sweet real racing bike!  He helped assemble it, then rode it around the block...  This morning I took him to the track to use it (but forgot the camera).  There was another boy his age there with a heavy bike like Lucas' old one.  It was amazing how much faster Lucas could go on this new one!  I'm sure there will be many pics to come of him riding it!!!

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