Monday, March 4, 2013

Our Newest Addition

On January 31, 2013 (my actual due date), we headed to Anne Arundel Medical Center for our 11:45 a.m. scheduled c-section of baby #3... While I usually very much enjoyed being pregnant, I had been ready for about a month to get this one out. After my horrendous holiday cough, I was just uncomfortable. Baby parts head-butting my lady parts, hurt ribs from coughing, and really no more room for baby to grow/move/stretch out. However, babies are much easier to take care of on the inside, so I didn't want to rush time too much :)

Some pics of the exactly 40 week belly:

I took Lucas and Charlotte to school in the morning, and met Tony back at home before heading to the hospital. Here's my traditional "entering the maternity wing" pose...
Once we got there and checked in, I got to put on a very fashionable hospital gown so they could monitor baby's heart rate, get my IV in, etc. Mommom and Pop came to wait with us too...
They were running a tad behind, so we didn't head to the operating room until almost noon. Be forewarned - with my new camera and now knowing what to expect in the OR, we got some cool (but maybe graphic) pics... If that bothers anyone, feel free to skip further down the page to avoid them!

They got the spinal put in easily and almost painlessly! Yay!
Next, it was time to get that baby out!  After a little work by the doctors, this is what we saw...
Like with Charlotte, we didn't find out the gender ahead of time. We had a name for a boy ready to go since the summer (Bodie), but struggled with girls names (the exact opposite of how it went with Charlotte). We had a list of a handful we liked (Delilah - Lila, Chelsea, Delaney - Laney, Caroline), but couldn't narrow it down any further. But, that's ok we figured... Because just like with Charlotte, I was sure baby 3 was a boy... Should've learned my lesson from last time, because...
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! A girl with no name... But very healthy! Born at 12:20 p.m., 7 pounds, 1/2 ounce, 18.5 inches long. I watched it all in the mirror, and Tony stood up and took pics over the curtain. We could hear her cooing and making little noises even before they pulled her head all the way out. And once out, the crying began! Tony went with her to cut the cord while I got put back together.
Before they went to wait for me in recovery, I got to see her and we had quick family pic taken.
Once Mommom and Pop got word that all was well, they went to pick up Lucas and Charlotte from school. I arrived in recovery just before 1:00 and we stayed there... feeding/holding baby while the nurses monitored us both... until 2:45ish.

Then, they wheeled us upstairs to our room. We lucked into a suite that was extra big with a huge bathroom. Not sure why that excited me so much, as I was bedridden most of the time there?

Mommom and Pop came back to the hospital with the kids. For the record, Lucas just wanted to go play at their house. He said he could go Friday to see the baby. Luckily, his vote was outweighed by Charlotte's, Mommom's and Pop's. The visit went MUCH better than when Lucas came to see baby Charlotte. Then, he refused to look at me OR her at all. This time, everybody was excited and took turns holding Baby Girl Williams.
Friday February 1...  All was calm in the morning...  Windy and a dusting of snow on the ground...  I don't think I slept at all last night...  Mommom & Pop brought the kids over in the late morning.  Lydia was a gassy beast and cried most of the time :(  Daddy fixed it by going to Babies R Us for gas medicine.  On the up side, she slept for 8 straight hours Friday night...  Tired from all the fussing, I guess???
Saturday morning...  Woke up fairly refreshed, hoping to go home sometime today... 
Here's Dr. Penn, the doc that did the c-section.  He was the doc that I had hoped would be on call when I had Lucas - no such luck.  Right before he started cutting, Tony asked him if he worked out!
We were out the door of the hospital by 11... got lunch on the way home and were there by noon.
After a few hours of chilling, Matt & Jameson came by to meet our little Lydia lady...  Then Mommom brought Lucas & Charlotte home - let the chaos begin!!!
Whew... a busy 3 days...  But totally in love with our new baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. herpussy is so beautiful i would love a taste
