Friday, August 16, 2013

Solid Food

Lydia began cereal at 4 months and was loving it...  I planned to start her on fruits/veggies at 6 months just like the other 2 kids.  Well, we ended up starting around 5 months and a week.  She was just SO interested in food.  She watched us eat constantly, and would lean in and grab anything we had in our hands (like crackers).  If we ate near her she would flap and shriek, as if saying "me too!".  So, it wasn't my intention to give her peas first, but I had just made a fresh batch of them and they were ready to go.  Plus, they were Lucas' favorite, so why not?

She got strapped in her seat and was ready to go.  Had a bite or two, and then decided she wasn't a fan.  So, we moved to the bathtub to finish.  She finally did eat the whole bowl, even if there were a few gag faces in between.
I know you're supposed to try foods for several days before switching to a new one, but I couldn't do peas to her again.  We went to sweet potatoes next.  No crying/gagging... 
As of now, she's eaten just about everything, and even sorta enjoys peas.  I think her favorites are pears, blueberries, mango, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

And that's right, I'm making her food.  It's so easy!  Steam, puree, and freeze!

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