Friday, June 19, 2009

3 months already?!?

How can Lottie be 3 months old already? The other day, I came by the outfit she came home from the hospital in - which was huge on her then. Now, it barely goes to her knees! But she still has the tiniest feet...
Charlotte still adores her big bro, and can often be found sucking her thumb - always the left one (maybe she'll be a lefty?) She still enjoys being in her bouncer and is finding the playmat more fun now. She's starting to notice that she has legs, and likes to splash around in the tub - now that she's out of the newborn sling. She can sit in the bumbo seat for a little bit before she starts to fall over.
Charlotte has the biggest smile and has been squealing a lot when she's happy... these squeals sure are girly-sounding. Noises that high-pitched never came out of Lucas!

She's eating well, as you can see by her chubby cheeks. And I won't complain about her sleeping either. She tends to go to bed between 7 and 7:30 and sleep for 7-8 hours. After a feeding, she sleeps about 3 hours more, gets fed again, and back to sleep for a couple more hours. This week, I found the mobile that I had intended to put in Lucas' nursery a couple years ago... But, it didn't work with his crib. I was about to chuck it in the Goodwill pile, but then decided to see if I could finagle it somehow onto Lottie's "crib" - it worked and she loves it! I feel bad, cause she really didn't get a nursery made for her. Lucas is still in his nursery and we have his big-boy room all ready in the other upstairs bedroom. No hurry to move him into there yet - he naps for 2-3 hours each afternoon and sleeps 11-12 hour nights. So, when he does eventually move, Lottie will get his nursery. For now, she's in a corner-nook of his future room. She's in a pack-n-play... I have some girly stuffed animals around to make it more girly, but I was really glad the mobile worked in there!
Charlotte loves being outside and prefers to be in a front carrier now instead of the sling. However, she has been protesting (loudly!) our recent car rides.

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