Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Thanksgiving

We left Wednesday right after work to the Sugar Grove Naval Base near Brandywine, WV. It took about 4 1/2 hours (about an hour longer than it would normally take) due to traffic, but we expected that. The kids being little angels made it much easier! We got there just before 8 and hung out with everyone for a little while... Tony unloaded the truck, then I set up the kids' rooms. Soon we headed to bed, as we were gonna have some busy days ahead... Just for journaling's sake, here's who was there:

Tony & Ang
Lucas 2 yrs 8 months
Charlotte 8 1/2 months
Tre & Pat (Tony's sis & hubby)
Max - almost 5 yrs
Keira - 3 1/2 yrs
Ty - 10 1/2 months
Tony's parents

Thanksgiving morning we got up and everyone came to our cabin where Tony made breakfast.

Next, we took a little walk and then hung out at Tre & Pat's cabin until the Thanksgiving feast! The kids made turkey cupcakes and Tony set up the moonbounce. Lucas did not play in it, but everyone else did. He was too busy being antisocial inside playing with the train set all alone.

Next, it was EATING time. The kids ate at their own little table and Charlotte even enjoyed some soft table foods for the first time ever...
After all the kiddos took naps, we met at our cabin for a little pie and cool whip. Yum! Even Lottie enjoyed some.
Then, we headed to the gym to burn off some food...
After our workout, Grammie & Grampie watched a movie with the kids while me, Tony, Tre, & Pat went to the base club to have a beer and play some pool/foosball. Thanks again guys!
The next morning Lucas and Lottie were up early - as usual. And since all the other kids sleep in, we hung out at our cabin for a while.

Eventually, everyone came over again for some delicious breakfast by Tony. Then we watched a cartoon and the kids made sock puppets.
We had the bowling alley reserved for 2 hours, so we headed there next.
Ha ha ha! Yes, the base is soooo small that they have a 2 lane bowling alley :) But it was nice to have the place all to ourselves; that way the kids could run around and we didn't have to worry about them bothering other people.
After bowling, we hit the park.
After lunches and naps, we gathered for a little present exchange. The cousins exchanged and opened their gifts, and the kids all opened a couple from Grammie and Grampie since they won't be around to watch on Christmas day. Thanks guys!
Then we headed back to our cabin and watched another Christmas movie projected onto the living room wall. Saturday morning instead of cooking, we went to the galley to eat breakfast.
Then everyone headed back to their own cabins to finish packing up. Last, we met at the park to let the kiddos run all their energy out before the drive home.
And it wouldn't be a Williams family gathering if we didn't take all sorts of family photo combinations before parting ways...
The trip home took an hour less than the trip there, and the kids were good again :) We had a great trip and it was good to see everyone!!!

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