Monday, June 14, 2010

One hot weekend!

It's been sooo hot here - in the 90's for what seems like 2 weeks now. Friday afternoon, Tony surprised me with a phone call right after school let out.... telling me that as soon as I got home we were going out on the boat on an overnight camping trip. I was a little apprehensive, but it turned out great!

We launched the boat out of Sandy Point because we could park the truck there overnight. It was a longer ride than we're used to getting up near Hart Miller Island - about 45 minutes. The bay was the calmest we'd ever seen it, Lottie slept the whole way, and there were manta rays we could see in the water... so far, so good.
We stopped at Dock of the Bay, a restaurant we'd heard good things about. It was awesome - good food and a playground (with moonbounce!) for the kids. Even though we didn't get there until Charlotte's bedtime, she did great. She even seemed to have some appetite back - as she hasn't really eaten normally since she was sick over Memorial Day.
From the restaurant, it was a quick ride over to the island. We pulled to boat in close to shore, and it was only about waist deep - really easy to carry kids/bags to shore. We set up camp pretty quickly and used our new 3 room tent for the first time. The kids had fun playing in the sand and exploring.
Around 8:30 Lottie was super tired, so we got to my most stressed-over part of the evening: how would Lottie sleep in the tent? We have other camping trips planned for the summer, so I was anxious to see! I put her in 1 of the 3 rooms, unrolled a sleeping bag, laid her down with her blankie, and she went right to sleep after 2 minutes of crying. Amazing! And she slept there all night, not bothered by us coming in and putting pjs, etc on. Hopefully, the upcoming camping trips will go just as well... Here's a shot of her waking up Saturday morning.
The rest of Friday night, Tony, Lucas, and I hung out on the boat and playes with glow sticks on the beach. We all slept just fine!

In the morning we took a little walk, packed up and headed out.
The bay was much rougher onthe way back, but we made it back to the truck around 9. We headed home to rest a little before heading to Becca and Abby's joint birthday party.
Sunday morning Jeff, Chasity, Lily, and Nathan dropped by for a little bit. Then, we spent most of the day at Mike and Brenda's pool. We went over for 2 hours before nap, and then went back after naps for dinner. It was the first swim of the season, and Lucas was on the shy side. There were no leaps from the diving board that he was doing last year. All he wanted to do was have us hold him or sit on a float. Charlotte did ok... we either held her or she sat in the baby float.
Whew - we sure stay busy! One more week of school for me...

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