Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Sorry it's taken so long to get this post up, but it's taken us a while to recover from this particular holiday weekend! We took off Friday so that we could get a head start to Mommom & Pop's lake house in NY. Char had her routine 1 yr blood work done in the morning - and cha-ching - with it Ang acquired a valid doctor's note to present to work for calling out the day before a holiday. We were on the road before 11...

The ride up was ok. Both kids slept the first hour or so, and then bickered over toys the rest of the way. Every bicker resulted in Lucas pitching the toy over his head and into the back of the SUV. We assumed Lottie would take another desperately needed nap the last hour or 2 of the trip, but no luck there. We had the kind of luck where she whined herself to sleep about 10 minutes from our destination. Either way, it was a way better trip than the 2 we took last summer with her screaming bloody infant murder all the way to NY and back - twice!
When we got there, we had about 2 hours before the kids' bedtimes. Lucas got some tricycling in on the deck, and Lottie unwinded with a cold beverage. Kidding - it was empty when she was playing with it - I swear!
The night went better than I had anticipated. Matt and Beth were in 1 guest room, which left all 4 of us in the other... We'd never all slept in the same room before, so I wasn't sure how it might go. The closet was huge, so Lottie slept in there in her pack and play. I ran a humidifier to muffle as much noise as possible. Lucas slept in a twin bed on one side of the room and we slept in a bed on the other side. I thought once Lucas saw us in our bed that he'd climb on over. But he didn't and everyone slept all night... Well, until 5:30 am that is...

Realizing how early it was and that we didn't want to wake up anyone else, we rushed out to Dunkin Donuts and then the park.
After the park, we headed back to the house. Tony, Lucas, Matt, and Beth went disc-golfing.
Lottie went down for her morning nap, and I went for a run. Little did we know, this was the calm before the storm. When she woke up, she had a fever of 102 and was whiny and clingy. Nevertheless, we hopped in the car with Mommom and Pop and went to the Windmill Market. While we wandered around there, she seemed fine, so I was hoping it was just a fluke. But as the day progressed, she was just miserable. Taking longer naps than normal, needing to be held constantly, hot to the touch, not eating much, and moaning all day. She was pitiful :( Even though I managed to snap a few pics of her, I swear 99.9% of the time she was clinging to me and whining. Rare was the occasion she let me put her down.
When Tony got back from disc golfing, his allergies were really bothering him. NY is a few weeks behind us in their pollens, and they have cottonwood trees??? that drop things that look like dandelion "wishes". They were everywhere. Tony was sneezing and blowing his nose non-stop, and ended up having to stay inside most of the time. Lucas just ran around all over the house/deck, and decided that he was having too much fun to take naps :) Uncle Matt was playing guitar and Lottie was watching and kept pulling up her shirt - hope we don't have a future flasher on our hands!
We did manage to sneak away from Lottie for about 30 minutes to take Lucas to a go-kart track down the road. It was my first time too, and surprisingly Lucas wanted to ride with me and not Tony. Good thing helmets were mandatory for the little ones :) Not that I was a speed demon; I think I was a full lap behind everyone else!
Saturday night around 1 in the morning, Lottie woke up soooo hot to the touch, sweaty, and miserable. I had to sit in a chair and hold her the rest of the night. Luckily, Lucas was relatively unbothered by all this. Every now and then, he'd pop his head out of bed and look over, then go back to sleep. I decided then and there that I wasn't up for doing that another night.

Sunday was pretty tame. Tony's allergies were still killing him so much that he stayed inside almost all day. Lottie still had the same fever, was shaky, red, sweaty, and so miserable that we contemplated taking her to the ER. Instead we cuddled her and decided to head back home around 4 pm... with hopes that she'd sleep most of the way. Lucas was tired too, as he refused to nap up there. So, we spent the day hanging around the house... Again, all the pics I took were on the rare occasion that Lottie let us put her down.
We left just before 4 and both kids slept almost the first 2 hours. We stopped at McDonalds, ate a little, stretched our legs, and got back in the car for the rest of the haul. Lucas was awake the rest of the trip. Lottie was awake for about 2 hours and then slept the last 45 minutes. All in all, leaving that evening worked pretty well. We got the kids right into bed, and unloaded the car.

That meant we still had a full day home on Memorial Day :) Tony put together his early Father's Day present - a new grill... We used to have a gas grill, but Tony traded that one in for a charcoal grill/smoker. The new one is a gas grill AND a charcoal grill!
Lucas got some slip-n-sliding in...
Tony grill our ribs for dinner. Much to our surprise and Tony's dismay, Lucas ate 3 ribs down to the bone. Tony didn't have any leftovers :(
There was a little more slip-n-sliding and after Lottie went to bed, we finished off the holiday weekend with a snowball! Poor girl is still sick. Less of a fever, but miserable still. I had to take off work again Tuesday. How bad does that look - taking off on both sides of a holiday weekend unexpectedly? But I had doctor notes to prove my absences were legit!

Tuesday, the doc confirmed what we'd thought all along - just a virus... Sp Wednesday we were back to "normal" life.

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