Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween: The REAL deal!

Halloween morning (a Monday, mind you), the kids bounced out of bed as if it were Christmas morning. They were SUPER excited! We got dressed in our costumes (I even wore my pirate suit to school) and headed out the door. I dropped the kids off at school, and told them I'd be back in 3 hours for their Halloween program. When I got there, the kids were already out trick or treating around the convent (they usually go after the program, but the nuns had other obligations :] ) So, I met up with Lottie's class...
Then I met up with Tony, Mommom, and Pop in the gym for the show! Here was Lucas as he came in and sat down with his class:
All the classes did a little performance, and they went from youngest to oldest. Here's Charlotte's 2.5-3 year old class... They sang "we are pumpkins". She did great up there! No stagefright at all :)
Then Lucas' Pre-K class sang 3 songs... He did great too. No nervous "bellyaches" like last time!
After the show, we went back to work while the kids had their Halloween party and napped at school. When we got home, they were excited to dig through all their school loot.
I made them eat a plate of chicken and broccoli for dinner, and before we knew it Mommom & Pop were here for trick or treating. We played in the front yard a little bit before heading out.
Then, we set off in search of CANDY!
We stayed out for about an hour. They both did great, but as it got darker, Char made me nervous going up/down people's steps. Lucas would knock on people's doors and then Char would bang really hard again. Turkey! After each house, she would run back down the driveway squealing about whatever she was just given! I think she would've stayed out much longer, but Lucas just wanted to go home and hang out in our own yard and watch Daddy scare all the trick or treaters that came to our house. After about 20 minutes, he started asking to go home... So, after about an hour, we went back home. Mommom & Pop hung out for a little bit by our fire and then headed home. Lottie was practically begging to go to bed, so off she went. Lucas was quite content to stay out front munching on his candy, watching the trick or treaters, helping Daddy, and playing with the neighbors as they came home... A great nite had by all!!!

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