Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend...

Our Mother's Day weekend began the way most of our weekends have as of late... lacrosse practice!  Each practice is just about the same, and yet I feel the need to take my camera and snap at least 20 photos - I just can't get enough of how adorable Lucas is out there playing like a big kid!  While he plays, Charlotte runs around, does flips, and breaks away every chance she gets to steal a ball or knock down a cone...
 Saturday morning, the weather was gorgeous, so we went to the flea market and scored a frog sandbox!  After an insane trip to Home Depot along with at least half the other people in town, we were good to go with sand!  The kids LOVED it!!!
 Lottie woke up from nap screaming bloody murder that her ears hurt...  I had to wake Lucas up and rush to Patient First... Yup, our first ever ear infection.  Man, was it terrible for about 3 hours...  She finally sobbed herself to sleep and woke up almost normal.
Mother's Day morning, we headed to the State Park for a 2 hour hike.  Again, the weather was great and the kids frolicked about wonderfully... We hardly had to carry Charlotte any, and Lucas was a regular 'ol mountain goat!
 After going home for quick showers, we headed to Mommom & Pop's for the rest of the day...  Lots of fun visiting with family and playing all kids of games!
 By the end of the day, everyone was beat!
 At school, the kids made lots of cute cards and planted flowers.  Lucas made a special "mommy" book.  Here are my 2 favorite pages:

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