Sunday, September 26, 2010

Still here...

I know, I know, it's been awhile. But we are still alive, even if there aren't any pics to prove it... I am totally ready for bed, so here's a rambling list of what's been going on here in the Williams' household...

1. We took a 4 day weekend last week and headed to Lake Anna with the boat. Had a good time, even though it was the first time EVER I didn't have a camera to document...

2. I have the new camera. Who knew new cameras need a micro SD memory card instead of a regular one...? Yeah, still need one of those.

3. I just (as in 30 minutes ago) finished up with an entire grad class and submitted all the work. It was due by Thursday, so it was getting down to the wire. Spent a lot of time/energy on it in the past week... Did over 1/3 of the class in a week.

4. Lucas went on a field trip at school. He's finally getting adjusted.

5. Lottie is doing great at daycare and is obsessed with shoes (still!) and books... and dogs.

6. I have been crazy busy at school. With lunch duty 4x per week, I feel like I hardly ever have time to plan, grade, etc. And I'm teaching a brand new curriculum.

7. Tony and I are both complete losers at fantasy football. Looks like team Williams won't be winning the jackpot.

8. And oh yeah, the biggest mooch of our time... working our butts off renovating/cleaning our house so we can get it on the market to sell in about a week! AHHH!!! Surprised, yeah, we were too. We had no intentions of moving, but a short sale home kinda fell into our lap. Much bigger house, open floor plan, more bedrooms, a bigger yard, and 2 doors down from friends. We signed a contract but are still awaiting definite approval. Don't worry - our house won't actually sell if we don't have another home to move to...

So, that's the latest scoop... Stay tuned!

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