Friday, February 18, 2011

Training wheels are for sissies!

We've had some great weather the past few days... Since we know it'll be short lived, we've tried to spend a lot of time outside. After finding a you tube video of a guy mountain biking with his 3.5 year old, Tony has his heart set on a 4 year old mountain bike buddy. While we know realistically that probably won't happen, we decided to remove his training wheels to start getting him ready to ride like a big boy.

He was pretty excited at first. But that waned as he realized he couldn't just hop on and ride like Daddy. We went to a field at our local elementary school, figuring that falling there would be better than on asphalt... Tony started him coasting down some small inclines to get used to balancing the bike. Then, we took turns running behind/pushing him and then letting go. Sometimes, he fell almost immediately, and other times he made it pretty far. Funny thing - he really liked falling. So much in fact that even when he was riding great, after a little while, he would just hurl himself to the ground. Fun for him, but quite frustrating for us : )
This pic was the farthest he made it... started out where I'm standing, and made it to Tony...
Charlotte amused herself the entire time running up and down this hill!
We'll keep practicing!

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