Sunday, May 23, 2010

24 hours, 3 parks

We had a really good weekend! Friday after school, I got the kids and met Tony at the park. We played on the playground and waded a little in the river...
Saturday morning we headed to the flea market and then to Patapsco Park to do a little shore fishing. We got to do a little hike in the woods to get to a good spot, then we had to cross part of the river (depth was just above my knee on average). We had a nice little sandy beach to stand on. Lottie toddled around, and sat in/threw sand. Tony caught a fish on his very first cast. The second the lure hit the water, a sunfish jumped on! He caught 2 more little ones after that. Lucas just casted and casted and casted... It was amazing how far he could cast. I don't think I could cast that well when I was 8. He started off using worms, but eventually got to use lures too! He loved watching them "swim" through the water.
On the hike out, Tony had Lottie in the backpark, and I put Lucas on my shoulders to cross the river. At the very last second, I decided to put my camera in the backpack... you know, just in case I would happen to slip and fall. Wouldn't you know - we saw some horses crossing upstream and I was so busy watching them that I did fall. Lucas didn't fall off, but I was wet from the belly down. Nothing like doing the rest of the walk in wet jeans. Gross...

After lunch (we grilled out) and naps, we headed to Kinder Park to see if the mulberries we found there last year were ripe yet. While it was still on the early side, there were some ripe ones. Lucas was a little frustrated that they were in a tree and not on the ground where he could help. At least he should like to help with the blueberry picking next month! Charlotte demanded to constantly have a berry in her hand and mouth. Eventually, I just gave her my bag to let her pick from while I put my berries in Lucas' bag. She ate the ENTIRE bag - every one I had picked - by the handful... She had a purple face and hands... Silly girl!

Then we played a little catch and headed to the playground again.

Sunday was cloudy and rainy. Lucas got up at 5:00 (boo!). We hung around the house in the morning. Watched a little tv, cleaned, Lottie took her morning nap... Then we walked around the mall and had some pizza for lunch. Next at home, the kids took naps. Tony started a little project in the basement - a built in cabinet for beer mugs and glasses. I went for a 3 mile run outside. We spend the evening playing around the house and watching "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".

Back to work tomorrow... Why can't it always be the weekend?

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