Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bathroom Strides

Until very recently, Lucas had been very resistant to the idea of potty training. When I'd ask if he wanted to use the potty, he'd run away screaming "Nooooooo!!!" We tried giving him treats when he went, bribing with a special toy, buying Diego undies - no dice. I wasn't too worried about it; I had planned to hard core potty train first thing this summer, as he has to be potty trained by September to go to pre-school. People with boys always say it's harder, and you can't force it until they're ready.

Well, about a week and a half ago, I showed Lucas some "Cars" (the Disney movie) undies that I got for him (he is OBSESSED with Lightning MCQueen and TowMater). He was super excited. We told him that when he was a big kid and only used to potty, not his pull up, then he could wear them. The past week or so, he's gone 5-6 times a day on the potty. Only pee, but it's a start and a big change in his attitude about it! He'd go every time we asked him too. Once, he even told us at a restaurant that he had to go.

Since we were gonna be around the house most of today, we decided to let him try out the undies. We let him try undies a few months ago, and he peed every time in them in the forst 10 minutes. He had them on for about 90 minutes and went pee several times. It was kinda funny... Every 5 minutes, he'd run in there and say he had to pee. He could take off his undies/pants, do the deed, and put them back on all by himself. I was impressed!

But then, he ran downstairs and pooped in them :(

After nap, we put more undies on him and he stayed dry for 3 hours... going pee on the potty every 20 minutes or so. We are soooo proud of him - hopefully we're on the road to getting potty trained!

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