Sunday, May 2, 2010

What we've been up to...

We've had 2 weekends and a workweek go by since our last post. Feels like we've been busy! Nothing too monumental, but here's a peek at what's been going on:

Charlotte has been looking mighty bigger than usual... Just for kicks, I even tried her 18 month clothes on her - and much to my surprise, they fit :(
We've been to downtown Baltimore to eat/wander
We took the kids to the bowling alley for the first time in quite a while
A stop by Chic-fil-A - and yes that is maniac Lottie climbing all the way up the slide...
A lot of outdoor play
Some baking
A crazy Yo Gabba Gabba toothbrush that sings (way too loudly) "There's a party in my tummy"
Lucas figured out how to do 12 piece puzzles all by himself
Tony helped a neighbor take down part of a tree. Can you find him in the middle of the trees?
We got Lottie a big girl bunk bed very similar to Lucas'. Here are some of the shelves on one side. Can you spot the non-toy?
We had a backyard campout Friday night. Some glo-stick fun, a fire, and shivering in a tent all night. Also, poor Pablo (who deemed himself an outdoor cat about 7 weeks ago) got bit by something and the wound got infected. He had surgery Friday and is laid up in the basement for a bit :(

Check back real soon - I hope to get some more videos up!

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