Monday, October 15, 2012

Back to School... 8 weeks later!

I've been meaning for weeks to document the start of school this year, since it was more than just preschool/daycare.  Lucas was excited all summer to start kindergarten!  After months of hard work, we finally got him into Hillcrest Elementary, which is right up the street from where I teach.  And right up the road from Lottie's preschool too...  Keep everybody close and in good hands - that was the mission.  Even though he was so excited about the idea of big boy school, I wasn't really sure how he would do when the real time came.

He was all ready a couple weeks ahead of time with new light-up shoes, a Spiderman backpack, and Spiderman lunchbox/thermos...

When we got his paperwork, we found out that he had Ms. Beard as a teacher.  I taught her kids quite a few years ago...  funny how that works!  In the Catonsville community, she's known as the "strict one", but I'm fine with that.  Teach those rugrats how to behave...

Kindergarten has a staggered start.  Monday 8/27 was the first day of school for our county, so I taught all day.  Lucas didn't have to go at all.  Tuesday, he had a half day orientation with a parent.  Tony took him, since I didn't want to skip my 2nd day of school.  He brought home a bazillion papers full of info, and all sorts of tips on who was cool to play with and who not.  Wednesday he didn't go again, and then Thursday and Friday were full days.  I took Lucas to work with me Thursday, and he watched most of my first period class.  Then, we skipped out for 30 minutes so that I could watch him go in on his first REAL day of big kid school...  Friday morning, I took him to my friend/co-worker Sandra's house.  Her son is Jake, Lucas' best bud from Mt. Providence.  The plan is for me to take him there each morning around 7:15 after dropping Charlotte off.  Her husband graciously watches him and takes him to school each day.  I pick them both up and take Jake home on my way to get Char.  So far, it seems to be working out!

 Here are some pics of him on the 1/2 day orientation.  Daddy took him to school and then biking...
Here are some pics of him Thursday...  The first day we actually had to say goodbye and let him go into school alone :(

At home...
At school...
Not a great pic, but it's Lucas with his class.  Ms. Beard is in the yellow...

This is at pick-up time.  Each day after the announcements, they line up and Ms. Beard makes them point out their parent before they can leave the room.  He runs over like this every day...  I wasn't sure how I'd feel when his first day came...  Would I be sad and cry leaving him?  Nope, I was completely fine with it all seeing how happy and ok with it he was.  I did get a little teary pulling into the parking lot to pick him up - how do I have a kid big enough to go to school???  And a little teary watching him run over to me...  But that's it!
Him and Jake catching up after day #1...
On the way back to the car, he said "Mommy, I don't know why anyone would want to stay home and play.  Kindergarten is WAY more fun!"  Luckily, his attitude towards it all really hasn't changed.  He LOVES going to school.  He will talk about it from the time he gets up until the time he goes to bed.  Honestly, it can get a tad annoying, but I know it won't be long before I ask how school was, and he replies "fine".  So, I'm really trying to let him tell us about it as much as he wants.  He gets 2 recesses, lunchtime in the cafeteria, afternoon snack, a 20 minute rest time, and a special each day (gym, music, library, art, and computer lab).  He routinely asks when he will get to do real work and have tests :)  Ha, that won't last long.  He has earned a green behavior star (the best) every day too.  He seems to be doing great and we all couldn't be happier with the whole experience. 

Here's a day 2 pic with the sign I meant to have on day 1...
Lottie started preschool the Tuesday after Labor Day.  Ms. Dineyli was kind enough to keep her the week prior, and Lucas too on the days he didn't go to school.  She is in Ms. Kathy and Sister Lucia's class (where Lucas started when he started going there).  We were worried about how she'd do being left with no big bro by her side.  Last year, at times she would cry when I left her when Lucas WAS there.  So, I thought she might have a fit leaving her there alone.  Since Lucas got so much attention starting kindergarten, we really tried to make a big deal out of her going to big girl school too...  It must've worked.  She was all smiles at drop off.  Put her stuff in her locker, gave me a hug, ran into the playroom, said hi to the teachers, and met me at the back door to blow kisses and give air hugs.  It's been that way ever since :)

A few pics of Charlotte's first day...
And a few from the next day...
A great beginning to a new and exciting year!!!

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